The definition of indifference is the lack of concern or interest. Indifference is a danger to humanity because it prevents people from taking action to correct the ills of society.
Indifference, after all, is more dangerous than anger and hatred. Anger can at times be creative. One writes a great poem, a great symphony, have done something special for the sake of humanity because one is angry at the injustice that one witnesses. But indifference is never creative. - Elie Wiesel
In a society with a prevailing attitude of indifference conditions such as crime, bullying, delinquency, discrimination, drug addiction, homelessness, poverty and racism run rampant.
Indifference is an easy path, a path of least resistance. Silence can lead to personal serenity, but how can serenity at any level endure in a society where suffering grows? Looking away with the belief that others suffering is not your concern shows a lack of empathy and failure to plan for the future.
Settle for less indifference to allow room for empathy and action.