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Wyatt Beal

Settle for Less Food

Settle for less food could mean smaller portions to reduce calories, but I'm blogging about settling for less food to reduce global warming. How can reducing food waste help in the battle against global warming?

if food goes to the landfill and rots, it produces methane—a greenhouse gas even more potent than carbon dioxide. About 6%-8% of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced if we stop wasting food - World Wildlife Org

Settling for less food can start with buying less. The less you buy, the less likely you are to have waste. However, sometimes it's easier - economically or time wise - to buy or make more food. In those cases take the extra time to freeze food for later, commit to eating leftovers, or find someone to share with, and if none of those options work compost.

If you're wondering is there really enough food waste to make these suggestions worthwhile, about "one third of the food produced worldwide never makes it to the table and ends up as waste, occupying around 25% of our ever- shrinking landfills." In addition to the waste in landfills, there's the waste that went into production and distribution.

Today, settle for less food to help our environment. It's a small personal change with the potential to create huge positive global change.

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